Laboratoires de recherche
Laboratoire Réseaux, Informatique, Télécommunications & Multimédia
- Objectifs
- Equipes de recherche
- Membres
- Production scientifique
- Télécharger le descriptif
Directeur: RIFI Mounir
Les activités de recherche du laboratoire sont centrées autour de son projet fédérateur les technologies de l’information et de la communication. L’ensemble des 7 équipes du RITM participe de façon équilibrée à la valorisation des travaux de recherche. Le labo RITM entretient de nombreuses relations au niveau national et international.
Le labo RITM couvre des thématiques scientifiques larges regroupant 7 équipes :
- Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication,
- Sécurité de l’information,
- Réseaux informatiques et systèmes distribués,
- Sciences de données et ingénierie des systèmes,
- Télécommunications,
- Théorie des systèmes,
- Modélisation en Optoélectronique et Electronique,
- Energies renouvelables,
- Efficacité énergétique,
- Smart cities,
- Smart grids,
- Compatibilité électromagnétique dans les dispositifs de conversion d’énergie.
Equipes de recherche
- RSD: Réseaux et Systèmes Distribués
- SDIS: Sciences de Données et Ingénierie des Systèmes
- MODEC: Modélisation Optoélectronique et électronique
- R3E: Réseaux Électriques & Efficacité Énergétique
- RT: Réseaux & Télécommunications
- SIASR: Security of Information and Advanced Software Research
- SC: Smart Cities SC
- Mohammed OUZZIF
- Noureddine ABGHOUR
- Bouchra CHEDDADI
- Abderrahim MAIZATE
- Siham AOUAD
- Houda ANOUN
- Khalid RIFI
- Houssain ZIYATI
- Abderrafia SABIR
- Abderraouf ABOUDOU
- Elmostafa ELWARRAKI
- Kaoutar SENHAJI
- Omar SABRI
- Ahmed ALAMI
- Abderrahim BERIOUK
- Mounir RIFI
- Mohammed HAMRAOUI
- Abdelkebir ELAMRI
- Mohamed Chakib RIFI
- Nadia AFIFI
- Nabila RABBAH
- Amina MERBAH
- Awatif HAYAR
- Meriem JOUNDI
- El m'kaddem KHEDDIOUI
Production scientifique
- Publications scientifiques
- Communications scientifiques orales et affichées
- Ouvrages de recherche
- Brevets et autres innovations
- Thèses de doctorat soutenues
- Mémoires de Master et PFE soutenus
- Asymmetric Clustering Algorithm with Gravitational Model (ACAGM), Mohamed Hanaoui, Rachid Aouami, M. Rifi, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), 2016, SCOPUS.
- Dynamic Clustering Algorithm for Tracking Targets with High and Variable Celerity (ATHVC), Toumi M., Salah, M. S, A. Maizate, M. Ouzzif, International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS), 2016, SCOPUS.
- Current Moroccan Trends in Social Networks, Toumi, M., Salah, M. S, A. Maizate, M. Ouzzif, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, 2016, SCOPUS.
- Le comportement des antennes fractales de types «Courbe de Sierpinski», Abdeljalil EL ABDOULI, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 2016, SCOPUS.
- Design, Realization and Measurements of CPW-Fed miscrostrip hexagonal patch antenna with H-Tree Fractal slots for WLAN and WIMAX Applications, Abdelati REHA, Oudiaa BARROU, Revue Méditerranéenne Des Télécommunications, 2016, SCOPUS.
- CPW-fed slotted CANTOR Set fractal antenna for WiMAX and WLAN applications, Abdelati REHA, International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, 2016, SCOPUS.
- CPW-fed H-tree fractal antenna for WLAN, WIMAX, RFID, C-band, HiperLAN, and UWB applications, Marouane BOUCHOUIRBAT, SCOPUS.
- DEVICE-TO-DEVICE (D2D) COMMUNICATION UNDER LTE- ADVANCED NETWORKS, Abdelati REHA, Othmane BENHMAMMOUCH, Ahmed OULAD SAID, Abdelhakim EL OUADIH, Marouane BOUCHOUIRBAT, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2016, SCOPUS.
- Packet Delay Analysis in Wireless Sensor Networks using Fountain Code Enabled-DCF, Magri Hicham, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2016, SCOPUS.
- Indice de crédibilité d'un nœud capteur dans un réseau de capteurs, R. AOUAMI, M. HANAOUI, ADVANCES IN UBIQUITOUS NETWORKING, 2016, SCOPUS.
- Collaboration entre les robots intelligents et les objets connectés, opportunités et défis K.Lahma, A.Mektoubi, Mediterranean Telecommunications Journal, 2016, SCOPUS.
- Evaluation and Comparative Study of Wireless Sensors Networks Hierarchical, RABBAH, M., RABBAH, N., MALASSÉ, O., International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2016, SCOPUS.
- Data Security and access management in Cloud Computing: capability list-based cryptography, Hassan Echoukairi, Journal of Communication and Computer, 2016, SCOPUS.
- Perform sensing and transmission in parallel in cognitive radio systems: Spectrum and energy efficiency, Mohammed Ridouani, Aawatif Hayar, Abdelkrim Haqiq, Digital Signal Processing, 62, 65-80, 2017, Thomson Reuters, scopus.
- A Novel Power Control Based on a Relaxed Constraint in Cognitive System, M. Ridouani, A. Haqiq, A. Hayar, DSP Journal Elsevier, 2016, SCOPUS.
- Combining Energy Storage Systems and New Energy Allocation Strategy Based on the Bin Packing Algorithms for QoS in EAAS Concept in Smart, M. Ridouani, A. Haqiq, A. Hayar, ETT Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications, 2016, SCOPUS.
- Conception et réalisation d’une architecture hybride intégrant des réseaux capteurs sans fil et technologies d’information et de communication, N. B. Sendama, A. Hayar, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2016, SCOPUS.
- An Overview of Traceability Towards a general multi-domain model, Ayoub Marzak, Mediterranean Telecommunications Journal, 2016, SCOPUS.
- Towards a Data Traceability Management for Big Data, Souali Kamal, Othmane Rahmaoui, M.,Ouzzif, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems (ASTESJ), Volume 2, Issue 3, Special issue o, 2017, SCOPUS.
- Combining Energy Storage Systems and New Energy Allocation Strategy, Othmane RAHMAOUI, Kamal SOUALI, M.,Ouzzif, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER), ISSN 2229-5518, Volume 8, Issu, 2017, SCOPUS.
- Based on the Bin Packing Algorithms for QoS In EAAS Concept in Smart Grids, N.B. Sendama, A. Hayar, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol 13 No 04, pp, 2016, SCOPUS.
- Mobile Algorithm for Key Distribution and Periodic Rekeying in Wireless Sensor Networks, 8-15, August 2016, SCOPUS.
- THE IMPORTANCE OF THE CRYPTOGRAPHY BASED ON ELLIPTIC CURVES IN WSN SECURITY, Salah, M., A. Maizate, M Ouzzif, M., (2016) International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS), 11 (8), 2016, SCOPUS.
- Comparative Study of a Buck Converter Controlled by a PID Regulator in Continuous and Discrete Form, SALAH Med Saïd, TOUMI Mohammed, A. Maizate, M Ouzzif, M., IJIRR, Vol. 03, Issue, 11, pp.
3168-3172, November 2016, 2016, SCOPUS. - Simulation of a Buck Converter Controller based on a Hardware and Software PSM Mode Control, D.Wassad, International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET) ,Vol.3, Issue 11, No, 2017, SCOPUS.
- Simple and Fast Method for Designing a Programmable PMS Mode Control of a Buck Converter, D.Wassad, International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE), Vol.4 Issue 10,oct.20, 2017, SCOPUS.
- Comparison between software and hardware control in PSM mode of a Buck converter, D.Wassad, International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE), Vol.4, Issue 9, sept. 2017, SCOPUS.
- Sentiment Analysis of Moroccan Tweets using Naive Bayes Algorith, A. jounaidi, International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology(IJLRET), Vol.3, Issue 9, sept, 2017, SCOPUS.
- Real-Time Analysis of Students’ Activities on an E-Learning Platform based on Apache Spark, Abdeljalil EL ABDOULI, L. Hassouni, H. Anoun, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 15 No. 12 DEC 2017, 2017, SCOPUS.
- Credit scoring in the age of Big Data – A State-of-the-Art, Abdelmajid Chaffai, L. Hassouni, H. Anoun, (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 8, No. 7, 2017 (D), 2017, SCOPUS.
- The main characteristics of five distributed file systems required for big data: A comparative study, Youssef Tounsi, L. Hassouni, H. Anoun, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 15, No. 7, July 20, 2017, SCOPUS.
- Integration Gateways for traffic Load Balancing to improve lifetime in the wireless sensor network, A. Elomari, A. Maizate, L. Hassouni, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal. Vol. 2, No. 4, 78-91 (2017) ((ASTES)), 2017, SCOPUS.
- Une architecture mobile et centralisée pour la sécurité des applications des villes intelligentes, El Mekki Ouchkir, A. Maizate, M Ouzzif, M., Revue mméditérannééne des telecommunications, 2017, SCOPUS.
- Nouveau concept de Ville Intelligente Sociale et Frugale basé sur les services et réseaux mobiquitaires pour le développement économique et humain, Salah Said, Toumy Moahammed, A. Maizate, M Ouzzif, M., Revue méditérannééne des telecommunications, 2016, SCOPUS.
- Modélisation de l’impédance de transfert d’un blindage à deux écrans, Awatif HAYAR, Journal Organisation des territoires 2015, Organisation-Territoires, 2015, SCOPUS.
- Modélisation d’une Ligne de Transmission Multiconducteur par un Macro-model de Padé, Kaoutar Senhaji Rhazi,Mohamed Najmouddine,Youssef Mejdoub, Aicha Wahabi, Revue Méditerranéenne Des Télécommunications, 2018, SCOPUS.
- Multi-Criteria Analysis and Advanced Comparative Study of Self- Organization Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network, Mejdoub Youssef, Hicham Rouijaa,Ghammaz Abdelilah, Kaoutar Senhaji RhazYoussef, Revue Méditerranéenne Des Télécommunications, 2018, SCOPUS.
- Designing and Managing a Smart Parking System Using Wireless Sensor Networks, Adil Hilmani , Abderrahim Maizate, Larbi Hassouni, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2018, SCOPUS.
- A Study of Self-Organization protocols in Wireless sensor Network, Adil Hilmani , Abderrahim Maizate, Larbi Hassouni, Journal of Sensors and Actuator Networks, 2018, SCOPUS.
- INFORMATION CREDIBILITY MODELING IN A WSN VIA LEACH ROUTING PROTOCOL, Adil Hilmani , Abderrahim Maizate, Larbi Hassouni, Revue Méditerranéenne Des Télécommunications, 2017, SCOPUS.
- Evaluation de la crédibilité de l’information d’une chaine de nœuds de capteurs : RCSF, Ayoub Marzak, Mohamed Hamraoui, An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 2018, SCOPUS.
- Architecture de télésurveillance basée sur les réseaux de capteurs sans fils Application à la plateforme de capteurs CrossBow, Karim LAHMA , Mohamed HAMRAOUI, Revue Méditerranéenne Des Télécommunications, 2018, SCOPUS.
- Design, Realization and Measurements of microstrip patch, Ayoub Marzak, Mohamed Hamraoui, Revue Méditerranéenne Des Télécommunications, 2018, SCOPUS.
- Antenna using three direct feeding modes for 2045ghz applications, Ouaddia Baroou, A. El amri, A. Reha, International Journal of computer engineering and information technology, 2017, SCOPUS.
- 2*2 Circular polarized Antenna Array for RF energy Harvesting system to a UAV, S. almorabeti, M. Rifi, H. Terchoune, H. Tizyi, Salwa Elmarini, Revue Méditerranéenne Des Télécommunications, 2018, SCOPUS.
- Etude paramétrique des antennes patchs rectangulaires alimentés par proximité, S. almorabeti, M. Rifi, H. Terchoune, H. Tizyi, A. Afyf, M. Latrach, International Journal of Microwave and optical Technology, 2018, SCOPUS.
- A Novel Security Framework for Managing Android Permissions Using Blockchain Technology, Ouaddia Baroou, A. El amri, A. Reha, Revue Méditerranéenne Des Télécommunications, 2016, SCOPUS.
- Ambulance Diversions Reducing and Dispatching Theory for Rescue Operations, Abdellah Ouaguid, N. Abghour, M. ouzzif, International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing archive Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2018, 2018, SCOPUS.
- An Approach for Selecting Cloud Service Adequate to Big Data, Y. Bouhallaf, L. Radoui, O. Malass, H. Belhadaoui, M. Rifi, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 2018, SCOPUS.
- Proposed Mathematical Lighting Model Based on OFDM Technique and Self-Lighting Concept for a Smart Lighting, F. Mdarbi, N. Afifi, I. Hilal, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 2018, SCOPUS.
- Ambulance diversions reducing and dispatching theory for rescue operations, Laraki Mehdi, A. Hayar, International Review of Automatic Control, 2018, SCOPUS.
- A New Smart Cards Based Model for Securing Services, Ghizlane MOUKHLISS, Reda FILALI HILALI, Hicham BELHADAOUI, Mounir RIFI, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 17, No. 1, January 2019, 2019, SCOPUS.
- Cyber Security and the Internet of Things : vulnerabilities and Security requirements, SIHAM AOUAD, ABDERRAHIM MAIZATE, A. Zakari, Revue Méditerranéenne des Télécommunications, 2019.
- Rectifier Circuit Designs for RF Energy Harvesting applications, Soumaya almorabeti almorabeti, Mounir Rifi, Hanae Terchoune, Revue Méditerranéenne des Télécommunications, 2019.
- Hybrid Classification of OLAP Queries in Cloud Computing Environment, Abdelaziz Ettaoufik, Mohammed OUZZIF, Abderrahim Maizate, Revue Méditerranéenne des Télécommunications, 2018.
- Projets Informatiques d’intégration dans le secteur bancaire : Planning Agile vs Planning projet en cascade, Issam EL KHAMMAL, ABDERRAHIM MAIZATE, El houcine Ziyati, Revue Méditerranéenne des Télécommunications, 2019.
- Dynamic cluster algorithm for improving percolation of targets in a sensor network (DC-AIPT), MohamedToumi, AbderrahimMaizate, MohammedOuzzif, Egyptian Informatics Journal, 2019, Scopus.
- Utilisation des antennes adaptatives dans les systèmes RADAR de poursuite, Sara SMIHILY, Mounir Rifi, Revue Méditerranéenne des Télécommunications, 2019.
- Electromagnetic Imaging Reconstruction from the Spectrum of the Diffracted Field, Yousef MEJDOUB, Abdelilah GHAMMAZ & Hicham ROUIJAA, International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, (IJMOT Vol.14 (1), pp 23-30, 2019, Scopus.
- Modélisation d’une Ligne de Transmission Multiconducteur par un Macro-model de Padé, Yousef MEJDOUB, Abdelilah GHAMMAZ, Hicham ROUIJAA & Kaoutar SENHAJI RHAZI, Mediterranean Telecommunication Journal (RMT), ISSN: 2458-6765, Vol.8 (2), 2018.
- Modélisation de l’impédance de transfert d’un blindage à deux écrans, Kaoutar SENHAJI RHAZI , Mohamed Najmouddine, Yousef MEJDOUB & Aicha WAHABI, Mediterranean Telecommunication Journal (RMT), ISSN: 2458-6765, Vol.8 (2), 2018.
- Comparative Study of a Buck Converter Controlled by a PID Regulator in Continuous and Discrete Form, A. El Jounaidi, D.Wassad, International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET) ISSN:2454-5031, Volume 3, Issue 10, pp.1-8, 2017.
- Simulation of a Buck Converter Controller based on a Hardware and Software PSM Mode Control, A. El Jounaidi, D.Wassad, International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE), ISSN: 2349-2163, Volume 4 Issue 10, pp.37-44, 2017.
- Simple and Fast Method for Designing a Programmable PMS Mode Control of a Buck Converter, A. El Jounaidi, D.Wassad, International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE), ISSN: 2349-2163, Volume 4, Issue 9, pp. 26-33, 2017.
- Comparison between software and hardware control in PSM mode of a Buck converter, A. El jounaidi, A. Aboudou, A. Sabir, International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology(IJLRET), ISSN:2454-5031, Volume 3, Issue 9, pp. 24-29,2017.
- Simulation sous MATLAB d’un Emulateur de Panneau Photovoltaïque à base d’un Convertisseur Buck commandé en mode PSM, A. El Jounaidi, A.Sabir , A. Aboudou, D. Wassad , Control Energy and Electrical Engineering (CEEE_Journal), ISSN :2356-5608 Vol.4 pp.1-6, 2017.
- Energy and Congestion Management Algorithms of Small Cells in the Cloud RAN (C-RAN), A Laguidi, A Hayar, Journal of Computing Science and Engineering, 13 (1), 32-38, 2019.
- The ieee smart cities initiative—accelerating the smartification process for the 21st century cities [point of view], Gilles Betis, Victor M Larios, Dario Petri, Xiaojun Wu, Aaron Deacon, Aawatif Hayar, Proceedings of the IEEE, 106 (4), 507-512, 2018.
- Access Model with the checking of scenarios “AMWCS, TAHIRI SAMIR, Mohammed OUZZIF, AFIFI NADIA, BELHADAOUI HICHAM, FILALI REDA, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 13, No. 8,August 2015, Scopus, Thomson Reuters.
- Access Model with Rights Evolution “AMWRE”, TAHIRI SAMIR, Mohammed OUZZIF, AFIFI NADIA, FILALI REDA, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 15, No. 4, April 2017, Scopus, Thomson Reuters.
- Implementation of Software Alternative Equivalent to the EMV-CAP for Banking Transactions Security, TAHIRI SAMIR, Mohammed OUZZIF, AFIFI NADIA, BELHADAOUI HICHAM, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014, Thomson Reuters.
- Web Service for horizontal fragmentation of Data Warehouses, Ettaoufik Abdelaziz, Afifi Nadia, Filali Hilali Reda, Ouzzif Mohammed, Belhadaoui Hicham, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE), Volume 3 Issue 5 , May 2013. ISSN: 2277 128X.
- Web Service for Incremental and Automatic Data Warehouses Fragmentation, Ettaoufik Abdelaziz, Ouzzif Mohammed, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), Volume 8 Issue 6, P. 454-463, 2017.
- Web Service for Incremental Data Warehouses Fragmentation Assisted with Temporary Materialized Views, Ettaoufik Abdelaziz, Ouzzif Mohammed, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 31st July 2017, Vol. 95. No. 14, P. 3217-3229.
- Evaluation and Analysis of Mobility Scenarios with Varying Pause Time for Hierarchical Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks, Hassan Echoukairi, Amine Kada, Khalid Bouragba, Mohammed Ouzzif, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 19, Issue 6, Ver. I (Nov.- Dec. 2017), PP 62-70, DOI: 10.9790/0661-1904019197 09-12. CrossRef, J-Gate NASA- Astrophysics Data System (ADC),, Cabell’s, Index Copernics, , Ulrich web, Ebsco Host, Google Scholar, ANED, Jours Informatics.
- Optimal Routing and Clustering Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks, Amine Rais, Khalid Bouragba, Mohammed Ouzzif, Journal of Communications, Volume 14, issue 9, September 2019, Scopus, DBLP.
- Routing and Clustering of Sensor Nodes in the Honeycomb Architecture, Amine Rais, Khalid Bouragba, Mohammed Ouzzif, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, Volume 2019, 2019, Scopus, DBLP, Web of Science, ACM.
- Determination of Itinerary Planning for Multiple Agents in Wireless Sensor Networks, Amine Rais, Khalid Bouragba, Mohammed Ouzzif, International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, Volume 10, Issue 1, April 2018, Scopus, DBLP.
- Effect of Mobility Models on Performance of Novel Centralized Clustering Approach based on K-means for Wireless Sensor Networks, Hassan Echoukairi, Amine Kada, Khalid Bouragba, Mohammed Ouzzif, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562, Volume 12, pp. 2575-2580, Number 10 (2017), IEEE, Scopus.
- A Novel Security Framework for Managing Android Permissions Using Blockchain Technology, Abdellah OUAGUID, Nouredine ABGHOUR, Mohammed OUZZIF, International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing, Volume 8 • Issue 1 • January-March, 2018 .
- Powerful mobile nodes for enhancing wireless sensor networks' security and lifetime, MS Salah, A Maizate, M Ouzzif, M Toumi, Engineering Review, Vol. 39, Issue 1, 60-70, 2019, Scopus.
- Gouvernance des dépenses publiques & Communication avec le citoyen : Quel rôle pour le Management de Projets ? - Actes scientifiques du Colloque International de Mahdia: Gouvernance et communication territoriales, El Mahfoudi, Mohamed Amine, Mirand a Serge, Conférence à Faculté des Sciences Économiques et de Gestion - Tunisie, avril 2016. URL : https://loth.h, Tunisie.
- Public street-lamps autonomy increasing based on self-lighting concept, Mehdi Laraki, E. Kheddioui et M. Zazoui, IEEE Conference CISTEM October 2016, Marrakech, IEEE.
- New Renewable Energy Allocation Algorithms Based on Bin Packing in a Smart Home, Benjamin Snedama, Mehdi Laraki, and Yassine Rifi, A. Hayar, SMARTGREENS 2016, Rome, IEEE.
- Dynamic Clustering Algorithm for Tracking Target with High and Variable Celerity, Toumi, M.,Salah, M. S, A. Maizate, M Ouzzif, M., Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), 2016 IEEE 24th International Symposium on (pp. 475-480). IEEE, London, IEEE.
- Data storage in big data context: A survey, Elomari Akram, Abderrahim Maizate, Larbi Hassouni, Systems of Collaboration (SysCo), International Conference on. IEEE, 2016. p. 1-4. Casablanca, IEEE.
- New architecture for traffic congestion using smartphone and wireless sensor networks, Aouami Rachid, M. Rifi, Systems of Collaboration (SysCo), International Conference on. IEEE, 2016. p. 1-4. Casablanca, IEEE.
- Directional communications with smart antenna system to improve energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks, Mohammed Hannaoui, M. Rifi, Electrical and Information Technologies (ICEIT), 2016, Casablanca, IEEE.
- Implementation of a Smart Antenna System for Wireless Sensor Networks, Mohamed Hanaoui , Rachid Aouami, M. Rifi, Congrès Méditerranéen des Télécommunications; CMT’2016, Tetouan.
- La traçabilité et ses interactions en informatique, Othmane RAHMAOUI, Kamal SOUALI, Ouzzif, M., JSSA’16 - 2ème Edition Conférence internationle, Journées scientifiques en sciences appliquées, Larache (Maroc), 25-26 Mars 2016. Larache, IEEE.
- CPW-Fed DRAGON, Fractal antenna for UWB applications, Abdelati REHA, Othmane BENHMAMMOUCH, The International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking (UNET 2016), Casablanca, 30-31Mai & 01 Juin 2016, Casablanca, IEEE.
- Une architecture mobile et centralisée pour la sécurité des applications des villes inteligentes. SALAH Med Saïd, TOUMI Mohammed, Congrès Méditerranéen des Télécommunications; CMT’2016, Tetouan.
- La Traçabilité et ses interactions en informatique, Othmane RAHMAOUI, Kamal SOUALI, Ouzzif, M., JSSA’16 - 2ème Edition Conférence internationle, Journées scientifiques en sciences appliquées, Larache (Maroc), 25-26 Mars 2016, Larache.
- Proposed Model of Street Lighting System based on OFDM Operations for Smart Lighting, Laraki Mehdi, A. Hayar, The 6th international conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems in Porto Portugal 2017. Porto, IEEE.
- Toward enhancing connectivity through TVWS in outdoor rural isolated environment, Mohamed Amine Lahlou, Adil Bouzrari, IEEE Senset 2017 Lebanon, Beirut, IEEE.
- Proposed Modelof Street lighting system based on OFDM operations for Smart Lighting, Mehdi Laraki, A. Hayar, IEEE Smart Greens 2017, Porto, IEEE.
- Frugal Social Sustainable Collaborative Smart City Casablanca paving the way towards building new concept for “Future Smart Cities By and for Al, Gilles Betis, A. Hayar, IEEE Senset 2017 Lebanon, Beirut, IEEE.
- Public street-lamps autonomy increasing based on self lighting concept, Laraki Mehdi,N.Benjamin Sendama, Elm.Kheddioui, Mimoun Zazoui, A. Hayar, International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb CISTEM 2016, IEEE, Marrakech. Marrakech, IEEE.
- Microstrip Patch Antennas at 5.8GHz for Wireless Power Transfer System to a MAV, S. Almorabeti,M.Hanaoui LICCWCS’17,November 2017,Larache, Larache, IEEE.
- Gestion des demandes d’urgence pour les services ambulanciers, Y.BOUHALLAF N.RABBAH, O.MALASE, 10 th International Colloquium of Logistics and Supply Chain Management LOGISTIQUA 2017 April, 27-28 ENSIAS, Rabat, Morocco, Rabat, IEEE.
- Approche collaborative basée sur la modélisation pour le choix optimal d'itinéraire des ambulances et des services hospitaliers, Y.BOUHALLAF 1 , S.TAHIRI 2 , N. RABBAH 3, CIGIMS2017 17 - 18 Mai 2017 (ENSAM-Meknès, MAROC), Meknes, IEEE.
- How Mobile Nodes Influence Wireless Sensor Networks Security and Lifetime, Salah Said, Toumy Moahammed, A. Maizate, M Ouzzif, International Conference on Advanced Information Technology, Services and Systems, Tanger, IEEE.
- An Overview Of Traceability : Definitions and Techniques, Kamal SOUALI, Othmane RAHMAOUI, M Ouzzif, 4th IEEE International Colloquium on Information Science and Technology (CiSt) Tanger, IEEE.
- A Novel Centralized Clustering Approach based on K-Means Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network, Hassan Echoukairi, , M Ouzzif, Computing Conference 2017, Londres, London, IEEE.
- Supporting ITIL Processes Implementation Using Business Process Management Systems, Youssef Mahy, IEEE SysCo 2016. IEEE, SysCo 2016 : The third IEEE International Conference on Systems of Collaboration. Casablanca, IEEE.
- Simulation sous MATLAB d’un Emulateur de Panneau Photovoltaïque à base d’un Convertisseur Buck commandé en mode PWM et en mode PSM, D. Wassad, Conférence Internationale du Génie Industriel et du Management des systems, CIGIMS-2017 ENSAM-Meknès, 17-18 mai 2017, pp. 234-239, Meknes, IEEE.
- Simulation sous MATLAB d’un Emulateur de Panneau Photovoltaïque à base d’un Convertisseur Buck commandé en mode PSM, D.Wassad, Green Energy and Electrical Engineering (GEEE) , Sousse, Tunisie, 22-24 Avril 2017, Sousse, IEEE.
- Mining Tweets of Moroccan Users using the Framework Hadoop, NLP, K-means and Basemap, Abdeljalil EL ABDOULI, The International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision 2017 p, Fès, IEEE.
- E-Learning Real Time Analysis Using Large Scale Infrastructure, Abdelmajid CHAFFAI, BCDA 17 the 2 conference on big data, cloud and application, tetouan, IEEE.
- Collaboration entre les robots intelligents et les objets connectés, opportunités et défi, M. RABBAH, N. RABBAH, O. MALASSE, Congrès Méditerranéen des Télécommunications; CMT’2016, Tetouan.
- ''A New ICT-Based Modeling for the Power Grid'', Benjamin N Sendama, IEEE SmartGreens 2017, Casablanca, IEEE.
- Dynamic simulation comparative study of energy needs for smart positive building using concrete blockwork and clay”, Salaheddine Benkaddour, IEEE Power Africa 2017, Marrakech, IEEE.
- Microstip patch array antennas based on conventional geometries, Ouaddia Baroou, A. El amri, A. Reha, M. Tarbouch, International Conference on Electrical an Information Technologies (ICEIT2017), Rabat, IEEE.
- Comparison of feeding modes for a rectangular Microstrip Patch antena for 2.45 GHZ applications, Ouaddia Baroou, A. El amri, A. Reha, The international syposium on ubiquitous networking, CASABLANCA, IEEE.
- Informal Learning in Twitter: Architecture of Data Analysis Workflow and Extraction of Top Group of Connected Hashtags, Abdelmajid Chaffai, Larbi Hassouni, and Houda Anoun, BDCA 2018, CCIS 872,
pp. 3–15, 2018, kenitra, IEEE.
- Comparaison study the Smart City Applications. Alae Labrini, Nabila, Tetouan, IEEE.
- Management of fuel cell power and battery state of charge for smart home, Rabbah, H. Belhaddaoui, M. Rifi, SCA 2018. October 10-11, 2018 Tetouan, Morocco, IEEE.
- Design and implementation of a switched beam smart antenna for wireless power transfer system at 5.8 GHZ, S. almorabeti, M. Rifi, H. Terchoune, H. Tizyi, REPS & GIE, CASABLANCA, IEEE.
- New Urban Mobility Algorithm Based on User Experience, M. Joundi, M. El alaoui, A. Hayar, IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2018), Kensas, IEEE.
- Stemming Algorithm for Arabic text using a Parallel Data Processing, Meriem Bougar, Elhhoussine Ziyati, ICICT2018, London, IEEE.
- Introducing a traceability based recommendation approach using chatbot for E-learning plateforms, Kamal SOUALI, Othmane RAHMAOUI, Mohamed Ouzzif, AI2SD 2018, Tanger, IEEE.
- Towards an Improvement of the Software Documentation using a Traceability Approach, Othmane Rahmaoui, Kamal Souali and Mohammed Ouzzif, AI2SD 2018, Tanger, IEEE.
- Data security of smart cities, Naoufal Ainane, Mohamed Ouzzif, and Khalid Bouragba, The 3rd International Conference on Smart City Applications SCA 2018, Tetouan, IEEE.
- A Security Policy for Access Control to Academic Services Based on Public Key Infrastructures and Smart Cards, Moukhliss Ghizlane, Filali Hilali Reda, Belhadaoui Hicham, 2018 6th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS), Rabat, IEEE.
- Comparative Study: Dependability of Big Data in the Cloud, F. Mdarbi, N. Afifi, I. Hilal, 2nd International Conference on Big Data, Cloud and Applications (BDCA'17), Tetouan, IEEE.
- Dynamic Data Sensitivity Access Control in Hadoop Platform, Hafsa Ait Idar, Khalid Aissaoui, Hicham Belhadaoui and Reda Filali Hilali, 2018 IEEE 5th International Congress on Information Science and Technology (CiSt), Marrakech, IEEE.
- New Smart Home's Energy Management System Design and Implementation for Frugal Smart Cities, Mehdi Laraki, Yassine Ouallou, Oussa Mohamed, Aawatif Hayar, 2018 International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking (MoWNeT), Tanger, IEEE.
- A Distributed Approach for Mining Moroccan Hashtags using Twitter Platform, Abdeljalil El Abdouli, Larbi Hassouni and Houda Anoun, The 1st International Conference on Networking, Information Systems & Security April 27-28, 2018, Tangier, Morocco, Tanger, IEEE.
- Autonomous Collaborative Solar Home System- Public Lighting, Laraki Mehdi and Aawatif Hayar, REPS & GIE, CASABLANCA, IEEE.
- Bit Error Rate Measurements for distance and household impact on PLC, Hamid Bouassam; Nabil Arsalane; Mounir Rifi, 2019 International Conference on Wireless Technologies, Embedded and Intelligent Systems (WITS) 3-4 April 2019, Fès, Maroc, IEEE.
- A compact pifa antenna for internet of things network lorawan at 900 mhz band, Tarbouch Mohamed, Reha Abdelati, El Amri Abdelkebir, Mejdoub Youssef, Colloque International sur les Objets et Systèmes Connectés - COC’2019, Casablanca, Maroc.
- Modélisation d’une Ligne de Transmission Multiconducteur par un Macro-model de Padé, Yousef MEJDOUB, Abdelilah GHAMMAZ, Hicham ROUIJAA & Kaoutar SENHAJI RHAZI, Congrès Méditerranéen des Télécommunications CMT’2018, El Jadidia, Maroc.
- Modélisation de l’impédance de transfert d’un blindage à deux écrans, Kaoutar SENHAJI RHAZI , Mohamed Najmouddine, Yousef MEJDOUB & Aicha WAHABI, Congrès Méditerranéen des Télécommunications CMT’2018, El Jadidia, Maroc.
- Simulation sous MATLAB d’un Emulateur de Panneau Photovoltaïque à base d’un Convertisseur Buck commandé en mode PSM, Abdellah El Jounaidi, Abderrafia Sabir, Abderraouf Aboudou, Daoud Wassad, 5th Int. conf. on Green Energy and Electrical Engineering (GEEE), Sousse Tunisie.
- Energy Consumption Balancing in Wireless Sensors Networks, Amine Rais, Khalid Bouragba , Elhoussaine Ziyati, Mohammed Ouzzif, International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, Marrakech, Morocco, 2014. IEEE.
- Management of Energy in Wireless Sensors Networks with Multiple Sinks and Mobile Agents, Amine Rais, Khalid Bouragba , Elhoussaine Ziyati, Mohammed Ouzzif, Congrès Méditerranéen des Télécommunications, Mohammedia, Morocco, 2014.
- Knowledge Discovery in WSN Using Mobile Agents, Amine Rais, Amine Kada, Khalid Bouragba, Elhoussaine Ziyati, Mohammed Ouzzif, International conference on intelligent systems and computer vision, FES, Morocco, 2015. IEEE.
- Efficient Hierarchical Clustering Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, Amine Rais, Khalid Bouragba, Mohammed Ouzzif, International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies, Esbjerg, Denmark, 2016, Web of Science.
- Effect of Single and Cooperative Black Hole Attack in MANET using OLSR protocol, Abdellah NABOU, My driss LAANAOUI, Mohammed OUZZIF, The 2nd International Conference on Networking, Information Systems & Security, Rabat 27-29 Mars 2019, ACM et scopus.
- Evaluation of MANET Routing Protocols under Black Hole Attack Using AODV and OLSR in NS3, Abdellah NABOU, My driss LAANAOUI, Mohammed OUZZIF, The 6th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, Marrakesh 16-19 Octobre 2018.
- The Effect of Transmit Power on MANET Routing Protocols Using AODV, DSDV, DSR and OLSR in NS3, Othmane RAHMAOUI, Kamal SOUALI et Mohamed OUZZIF, Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development (AI2SD-18), Tanger, Morocco, 2018, Springer et scopus.
- A Survey on Flat Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks, Hassan Echoukairi, Khalid Bouragba, Mohammed Ouzzif, The International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking (UNet15), Casablanca, Morocco, 2015, Springer, Scopus.
- Evaluation and comparative study of wireless sensors networks hierarchical protocols, Hassan Echoukairi, Khalid Bouragba, Mohammed Ouzzif, Proceedings of 2015 IEEE World Conference on Complex Systems, WCCS 2015, Marrakech, Morocco, 2015, Scopus, IEEE.
- A Novel Centralized Clustering Approach based on K-Means Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network, Hassan Echoukairi, Amine Kada, Khalid Bouragba, Mohammed Ouzzif, Computing Conference 2017, Londres, United Kingdom, 2017, IEEE, Scopus, INSPEC, Thomson Reuters' Web of Science, Ei Engineering Village, Google Scholar.
- Effect of Traffic Generator and Density on the Performance of Protocols in Mobile Wireless Networks, Amine Kada, Hassan Echoukairi, Khalid Bouragba, Mohammed Ouzzif, FTC 2019 - Future Technologies Conference 2019, San Francisco, United States, 2019, ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, DBLP, SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Springerlink.
- Initial Centroid Selection Method for an Enhanced K-Means Clustering Algorithm, Youssef Aamer, Yahya Benkaouz, Mohammed Ouzzif and Khalid Bouragba, UNET 2019, Limoges, France, 2019, Springer, Scopus.
- Health Monitoring System in a Smart Home, Naoufal Ainane, Mohamed Ouzzif and Khalid Bouragba, SCA 2019, Casablanca, Maroc.
- Data security of smart cities, Naoufal Ainane, Mohamed Ouzzif and Khalid Bouragba, SCA 2018, Tétouan, Maroc, Springer.
- Proposal for a Secure Authentication Solution for Banking Transactions, TAHIRI SAMIR, Mohammed OUZZIF, AFIFI NADIA, FILALI REDA, ZIZA YOUSSEF, Congrès international du génie industriel et du management des systèmes (ENSAM Meknès Maroc).
- Modèle d’Accès avec Evolution des Droits MAED, TAHIRI SAMIR, Mohammed OUZZIF, AFIFI NADIA, FILALI REDA, BOUHLAF YOUSSEF, Congrès international du génie industriel et du management des systèmes (ENSAM Meknès Maroc).
- Approche collaborative basé sur la modélisation pour le choix optimal d’itinéraire des ambulances et des services hospitaliers, BOUHLAF YOUSSEF, RIFI MOUNIR, BELHADAOUI HICHAM, TAHIRI SAMIR, Congrès international du génie industriel et du management des systèmes (ENSAM Meknès Maroc).
- AN ADVANCED COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SELF-ORGANIZATION PROTOCOLS IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK, Adil Hilmani; Abderrahim Maizate; Larbi Hassouni, 2018 Renewable Energies, Power Systems & Green Inclusive Economy (REPS-GIE), Casablanca, Maroc-2018, IEEE.
- Internet of things security, Jihad DAZINE; Abderrahim MAIZATE; Larbi HASSOUNI; 2018 IEEE International Conference on Technology Management, Operations and Decisions (ICTMOD) 15/04/2019, Marrakech,Maroc, IEEE.
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- Dispositif d'éclairage publuic basé sur un nouveau procédé d'auto éclairage avec fonctionnement nocturne, Laraki Mehdi, A. Hayar, Cette invention représente une nouvelle modélisation de la cellule photovoltaïque, ce nouveau proces, 25/10/2016.
- Stratégies d'optimisation de l’efficacité energetique basées sur l'approche radio cognitive pour les, Bouferda Sofia, RIFI MOUNIR, HAYAR Aawatif, 2015-05-12.
- Sécurisation des Transactions Bancaires EMV Par Authentification Forte et Modèle d’accès, Samir TAHIRI, OUZZIF Mohammed, 2018-01-19.
- Optimisation du rayonnement des stations de base GSM par réseaux d’antennes intelligents à commande de phase, Safaa Berra, RIFI MOUNIR, 2015-05-12.
- Amélioration de la performance des entrepôts de données par l’optimisation des requêtes décisionnelles à travers des services Web, Abdelaziz ETTAOUFIK, OUZZIF Mohammed, 2018-12-22.
- Etude, Evaluation et Amélioration des Performances des Protocoles de Routage dans les Réseaux de Capteurs sans Fil, Hassan ECHOUKAIRI, OUZZIF Mohammed, Khalid BOURAGBA, 04/04/2019.
- Collecte et routage hiérarchique des données dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil à base des architectures client/serveur et agents mobiles, Rais Amine, OUZZIF Mohammed, Khalid BOURAGBA, 24/07/2019.
- Amélioration de la sécurité d’information basée sur la gestion d’énérgie dans le cadre de la QoS : Application dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fils et IoT, LAMYAA MOULAD, Rifi Mounir, Hicham BELHADAOUI, 21/12/2017.
- Proposition d’une nouvelle approche pour la classification du texte arabe, Hanane EL MANSSOURI, ABGHOUR Noureddine, OUZZIF Mohammed, Ziyati EL Houssine, 06/07/2018.
- Les antennes fractales et leurs applications dans les télécommunications Multi Bandes et Large Bande, Abdelati REHA, Abdelkebir EL AMRI, 29/10/2016.
- Contribution à l’évaluation de la crédibilité de l’information échangée par un réseau de capteurs sans fil, Karim LAHMA, HAMRAOUI Mohamed, 30/07/2019.
- Amélioration de la classification hybride appliquée à l’internet des choses et le traitement du langage naturel, Soufiane FARRAH, OUZZIF Mohammed, Ziyati EL Houssine, 20/07/2019.
- Outil d’aide à la décision pour la gestion des services ambulanciers, Youssef BOUHALLAF, Hicham BELHADAOUI, Rifi Mounir, 11/07/2019.
- Approches Distribuées pour la Sécurité des Réseaux de Capteurs Sans fil : Application aux Villes Intelligentes, SALAH Mohammed Saïd, Ouzzif Mohammed, Maizate Abderrahim, 29/06/2019.
- Conception et Réalisation d’une Chambre Anéchoïque Les Antennes Intelligentes et leurs Applications dans les Réseaux de Capteurs Sans Fils, Mohamed HANAOUI, Rifi Mounir, 25/22/2019.
- Analyse et modelisation de l’effet des impédances de charge sur les performances d’une liaison CPL sur le réseau électrique domestique, Bouassam Hamid, Rifi Mounir, DEGARDIN Virginie, 12/05/2017.
- Green Multi-layer solutions for Wireless Sensor Networks lifetime, Aouami Rachid, RIFI Mounir, 15/05/2017.
- Stratégies et algorithmes efficaces énergétiquement et en coût pour l’éclairage publique et maisons intelligentes, Laraki Mehdi, HAYAR Aawatif, 13/07/2019.
- Optimisation de l’énergie dans un réseau de capteurs sans fils sécurisé communiquant avec un pico satellite, Lyazidi Younes, RIFI Mounir, BELHADAOUI Hicham, 27/07/2017.
- Modèle d’architecture multi-niveaux pour une coopération sécurisée des workflows inter-organisationnels, Samiha EL MESSARI, RIFI Mounir, Ouzzif Mohammed, 15/05/2018.
- Sécurité Ingénierie des Exigences de Sûreté de Fonctionnement des Systèmes d’Information, Cas particulier des Systèmes Décisionnels & des Systèmes Transactionnels, AFIFI Nadia, RIFI Mounir, 01/10/2016.
- Sécurité de l’Identité Numérique et Cyber-Sécurité des Applications Mobiles, FILALI HILALI Reda, RIFI Mounir, 01/10/2016.
- Mise en œuvre des modules Python et des algorithmes de Machine Learning de la libraire MLLib de SPARK pour l’acquisition, le clustering et la visualisation des Tweets de la plateforme Twitter, EL ALAMI Omar, Larbi Hassouni Abderrahim Maizate, 10/07/2017.